Saturday, January 11, 2014

He's Irresistable Collection

I have to say that there are days that I really enjoy collections. You get a nice variety and the stories are short and easy to read. In this collection I enjoyed all of the stories pretty much equally.
Love at First Date by Susan Hatler
It was a sweet story, the kind of thing that you find yourself really wanting to happen in real life. Although it did get a bit crazy with all the guys she was dating from the online site.
From Fame to Shame by Veronica Blade 
I  liked this one because she was trying so hard to project her sisters personality and bury her own insecurities. Dallas was an interesting character because he kept going back for more.
Wild For Mr. Wrong by Virna DePaul
Opposites do attract and boy do the sparks fly when they do. Bryn and Daniel had some pretty strong chemistry.

This was a good collection, easy to read and fun.

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